Grant's Trail: Gravois Creek Hiking Trails & Blake Snyder Park
Grant's Trail loosely follows Gravois Creek, and at this point there are paved
trails through the wooded area up to the creek. There are two entrances to the wooded trails,
the eastern one at mile 3.22 and the western one at mile 3.7.
Another paved path runs parallel to Tesson Ferry Road, beginning just north of the soccer field.
This path follows a long gradual uphill route across two bridges to the Blake Snyder Park (formerly Clydesdale Park) parking area.
The path ends at the main road in Snyder Park, near where Mueller Road intersects Green Park Road.
Trail mile: 3.22 through 3.7
- Trails
- Grant's Trail
Click here for a mileage grid of the entire trail
From the Trail:
Watch for signs on the wooded side of the trail. Coming from the east, the first sign is
1/3 mile after the railroad overpass. Coming from the west, the first sign is immediately
after the soccer field and small parking lot.
By car:
Park at the soccer field parking lot and look for the sign across the trail and immediately east.
- OR -
Park at the Tesshire parking lot and proceed 0.2 miles east on the trail.
- OR -
Park at the northern end of Blake Snyder Park and look for the paved path heading downhill, near where Mueller Road
ends at Green Park Road.