Vending: There's an outdoor soda machine in front of Norrenbern
Lumber, right next to the lot.
It sells soda and bottled water, but unfortunately no sport drinks.
The parking lot is on the southeast corner of the Tesshire
By car:
Take I-270 to the Tesson Ferry exit. Go North on Tesson
Ferry to the first traffic light after Lindbergh (0.6
mile after Lindbergh); this is
Musick/Green Park. Turn left on Musick, then an immediate right on
Tesshire. At about 0.3 mile, watch for Norrenbern Lumber on the
right, at 10500 Tesshire. Turn into the Norrenbern Lumber lot. The entrance to the Grant's Trail parking lot is at the northeast corner of Norrenbern's parking lot.